Malama Moloa'a

Conservation, Preservation, Protection, Education

Kaloko Reservoir News: The Floodgates are OPEN
More facts
Conservation, Preservation, Protection, Education


The name Malama Moloa'a means to "Care for Moloa'a." 

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It is essientail we know the facts about the actions that are taken on our fine valley of Moloa'a.  "Land Owners and Land Developers" must all be responsible for the ways that are coastlines are cared for. 

We all must become stewards, konohiki, of the land and sea.  

If we want to continue using the ocean for our sustenance, we must be efficient in our use of its resources for our long-term survival. We must prepare our ocean communities for a time when they may be forced to utilize the coral reef to it's greatest potential.


Ecosystems worldwide are suffering and on the verge of disaster.  Changes across the globe are happening at an ever increasing rate, our land and oceans are suffering...

people are suffering because of this.  We MUST do something before it's too late.

This is our home and Hawai'i deserves the best from us


This generation needs to teach the next two generations to make longstanding changes.  Our children's generation must take charge, and we must already start to teach their children, our grandchildren, so we have three generations to address these serious problems.


What is the one thing that connects us all?  The one thing of which we are all made of?  The one thing that covers most of our planet?

That’s right:  WATER!

Water is the uniting force that we all depend on for life.  Water, whether salt or fresh, is one of the most amazing and life giving things on our planet.  The water that we drink was once in the ocean, once in a cloud, and also in many spots we can only imagine.  The Earths  cycle of water is still a mystery, and we are only now discovering how vital it is to our planet.   Water is the one thing that gives us all life.  It is absolutely necessary to protect it at all costs.


 Kaua'i we must preserve our forests, and protect our reefs (before it's too late)!


Here are some web sites that may provide some education and alternatives to coastal development.  Don't reinvent the wheel here folks.  There are scientifcally proven and cutlurally acceptaple ways that we all can Malama (care for) Moloa'a and other unique coastal ecosystems.




Sierra Club Home Page





Hawai'i Coral Reef Network




Any Groups or organizations listed on this site are strictly for educational puposes.



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Let us know that you care and that you are checking the site out!

The Green Sea Turtle lives on the shore and in the waters of Moloa'a Bay